Twisty Jackalope

Jackalope facts:

  • A jackalope can leap 5 to 8 feet at a time. Pretty reasonable, don’t you agree?
  • Jackalope antlers can grow to the length of your arm. Do you have an arm? Hold out your arm. That’s how long a jackalope’s antlers can be.
  • Although jackalopes can imitate most human language, they cannot speak French. It’s just too difficult.

Introducing Bumantha

Hello all!  Five years ago I wrote a goofy little story about a woman who meets a stranger and her life (and couch) is forever altered.

I’ve now edited and converted that story into a series of four comics that I will show you in the coming weeks.  I hope you have as much fun reading them as I did writing them.

Here’s the first part to get you started!


Detective Opal (Unofficial Private Eye)

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Some of you may remember my dynamic duo from last year, Opal and her tiny cow (who has been simply renamed “Tiny Cow”).  Well this year I put together a pitch for a point-and-click style storybook game!

I’ll only show a few tidbits here for reasons I’m sure you understand, but if you’re interested in working with me on this, email me!  I’d love to collaborate with someone who knows how to put together apps, as I think this idea would really work on digital tablets.

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A filthy-yet-charming American city in the early 1900s, Grenadine is home to a colorful cast of characters.  All of them are possible perpetrators of various crimes ranging from minor to major.  Alternate endings reveal a different culprit each time!

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What excites me about this project most is there isn’t a single character that I feel lukewarm about.  All of them are dynamic and exciting in their own way and I’ve been having so much fun writing stories for them.  Ultimately, I do want to make this a digital, interactive game, but in the meantime I will definitely develop a little book or two.